Hobo–Dyer projection

The Hobo–Dyer map projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection, with standard parallels (where there is no north-south nor east-west distortion) at 37.5° north and south of the equator. The map was commissioned in 2002 by Bob Abramms and Howard Bronstein of ODT Inc., and drafted by cartographer Mick Dyer[1], as a modification of the 1910 Behrmann projection. The name Hobo–Dyer is derived from Bronstein and Abramms' first names (Howard and Bob) and Dyer's surname.[1]

The original ODT map is printed on two sides, one side with north upwards and the other, south upwards. This, together with its equal-area presentation, is intended to present a different perspective compared with more common non-equal area, north-up maps.[1]. This goal is similar to that of the Gall–Peters projection, but the Hobo–Dyer aims to be visually more pleasing than the Gall–Peters.[2]

The Hobo–Dyer projection was used in a map to show the 68 countries around the world in which the Carter Center has worked since 1982, when Jimmy Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.[3]


  1. ^ a b c "UMASS Mag". Archived from the original on December 27, 2005. http://web.archive.org/web/20051227031945/http://www.umassmag.com/Summer_2003/Profile__Bob_Abramms_%E2%80%9976G__%E2%80%9980G_493.html. Retrieved February 17, 2006. 
  2. ^ "Hobo–Dyer Projection". http://odtmaps.com/detail.asp_Q_product_id_E_HDP-11x17. Retrieved February 17, 2006. 
  3. ^ "President Carter's Nobel Prize: Presidential Peace Prize Means New Map Goes International". http://odtmaps.com/what_they_are_saying/president-carter-noble-prize.asp. Retrieved June 28, 2011. 

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